Lesley Armour – The opportunity to write my book has been an incredibly rewarding experience. Thanks to the invaluable support provided by Sunderland Literacy Aid, I have gained extensive knowledge about the entire process of book creation, from conceptualisation to writing and illustration. Every step of the way, the team has been by my side, offering assistance, brainstorming ideas, addressing my questions, and providing feedback on my work in progress. Despite working independently, I have always felt connected to a supportive team. The entire journey with Sunderland Literacy Aid has played a pivotal role in turning my dream of becoming a writer and artist into a reality.

Lesley Armour – My journey began with a simple question from Sunderland Literacy Aid “Would you like to write a book?” The thought bounced around my head until here I am an illustrated children’s book and an illustrated poetry book later supported by Sunderland Literacy Aid to achieve this. It began tentatively with ideas and rough sketches. With support from Sunderland Literacy Aid I was able to hone my writing and illustration skills, learn about preparation, take time to be patient and learn about editing and book design. The whole process has been a collaboration with my vision for my books at the fore front of all our discussions. Therefore, I have felt listened to and valued. My sense of accomplishment is something I will always carry with me now. I am confident enough to call myself an artist and a writer, something I was always reluctant to do. Having my book published has been empowering. Sharing my books with others has given me much pleasure. So where will my journey lead now? Who knows, but I now have the confidence to enjoy the challenges ahead.

To order Fiona’s ‘Mother Marshall’ follow this link: https://www.feduncanillustration.com/